Sunday, February 3, 2008

Music Sale

Hello! I just thought that I would inform all of you that Sovriegn Grace Music's web site is having a huge sale...all their cd's are 6 dollars and when you order, you get free shipping. Pretty neat, especially when you realize that their music is very good and Theologically correct! Just thought you'd want to know!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cowboy Sobriety Test

This movie is hilarious! So funny! Enjoy!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Hello! So...I only have a couple of minutes to write. I thought that I would inform you all that my friends wedding has been officially planned for July instead of September! Ergo, camp just might be a possibility! Hip Hip Horrayyy! Also...the dresses that we(the bridesmaids) will wear will be MODEST! (Svheet!) It is such a blessing to have friends that consider modesty an important part of being a woman. To God be the Praise!
Also...tomorrow some families from our church are going to my brothe and sister-in-laws to to sledding. Lord willing we will all have a fun time and no accidents will occur! It should be a fun tim for children and adults alike! (Dont you just love family get togethers!?)
In Grace and Love!