Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Living Nativity

Howdy everyone!
So, today I have a fun post. Last night my family and two other families plus a couple extra kids went to something called the Living Nativity It was spectacular! You started out inside this churched huge gymnasium, then after about an hour or so after being inside, you go outside in the freezing cold and dark and sit on bleechers and watch the nativity scene. The roman soldiers come galloping down and camels come walking by along with sheep, donkey, goats...just a rag tag jumble of animals! it was so fun! I absolutly live hanging out with families, it feels like you can mix the age groups so much easier than when you just do younger kids with us almost adults.
I sure haven't posted in awhile... not much has happened in the last few days....other than I did make two draft snakes

(this one isn't mine)they turned out a mite bigger than I wold have hoped, but I made use of the largness and decorated them to look like a certain animal, one a green snake, and the other a University of Washington Huskie (since it's going to my brother and his wife.)
So I am now officially off of work for a little over a week. The family that I nanny has left for Pennsylvania, to bad they didn't need me and then I could have visited my ver special Joni camp friends! I miss all of you. Just yesterday I told my mom that I am going to have to find some way to get over to the camp. No matter what! But then, I do have to think that it may not be Gods plan. (But how dould something so wonderful and neat not be Gods plan for me! I'm teasing by the way!)
So, I will post more later some day! Thanks for keeping in touch!
In Christ


Olivia Joy said...

Sounds like fun!!!!!.................
...Ummm, were they real live camels?
I miss you!!!!!!

Brian C. Howard said...

Hi, I want to ask you about reusing a photo from your blog on Please email me at bhoward(at) thanks!