Saturday, December 1, 2007


Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my site, come on in, sit down, kick off your shoes and let me get you a refreshing beverage! I hope you enjoy my site as I will try to bring you interesting information concerning my life, random tid bits, and "things" in general! In this picture, two of my friends from a far away state came and visited! It was a very blessed time, the little that we did see of eachother. She's the blond and I'm the brunett....and no, she isn't dumb, just a little, shall we say....SMALL! I'm just teasing. She is very sweet and fun to hang out with. Her sister as well I was able to see, so much fun!

I'll post more later, after I figure everything out!

Is. 40:31



Trina said...

Hello! Welcome to the blog world! This is the blond's sister, Trina. I'm so glad you got to meet up with my family and make memories. Sounds like you all had a great time.
God bless!

Alice said...

Hi, Laura! I'm so glad you got a blog! Your colors suit you very well! :-) Thanks for the comment; I'm feeling a little better this morning!

You had left a comment on my apron a couple of days ago, and I have been meaning to get back to you. Actually, it's a McCall's pattern (see it here: that I got from JoAnn's, and I lent it to my sister. But, McCall's patterns go on sale a lot, and there's always coupons.

Olivia Joy said...


I will tell Trina to add you to our "friends blogs" as soon as possible!!
Love and miss you!!!! ~Olivia

Olivia Joy said...

Oh and thank you for clarifying that I am only a "little" blond :)