Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Master's College ~ Plans for Next year

Hello Everyone!
I thought I'd take a little bit of time and let everyone know what my plans are looking like for next year. I have officially decided that if all the funds are available, I will be attending The Master's College in Santa Clarita California. I will be pursuing a degree in Home Economics and Family Sciences. I really feel the Lord leading me in this and am quite content to follow. Though I am a little nervous to live so far from home, I know that the Lord will sustain me. Also, I may be able to get a little visiting in with Martha V. because she will be living so close!
The course of study I chose has interested me for quite a few years now. I actually started thinking about it when I was a young girl when I found out that my mother has a minor in Home Economics. The Department distinctives are...

Why Major In Home Economics - Family & Consumer Sciences at The Master's College?
Dr. Patricia A. Ennis, CFCS Chair Department of Home Economics--Family & Consumer Sciences

Fulfill The Biblical Precept
Titus 2:3-5 instructs the older women to "admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God will not be discredited." This passage implies that the younger woman learns how to:

Use time management skills in her home.

Manage the family finances.

Cook nutritious meals.

Practice hospitality.

Joyfully submit to her husband.

Raise her children in the "fear and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4)... that the Word of God will not be discredited.
The Home Economics--Family & Consumer Sciences discipline encompasses the six areas described in Titus 2:3-5-it's simply good stewardship to merge the Biblical Mandate with one's professional pursuits.

Maximizing human resources.

Coping with economic uncertainty.

Assessing the importance of fibers and fabric in today's clothing.

Maintaining lifetime nutrition.

Understanding growth and development from infancy to aging.

Creating positive parenting attitudes.

Interpreting the housing needs of the individual and the family.

Understanding family differences and cultures.

Responding to twenty first century issues facing individuals and families.

Utilizing modern scientific methods and resources to enhance quality of life.

Generating research to identify the needs of individuals and families.

Approaching individuals and families with preventative measures rather than crisis intervention.

Educating the public to ensure productive and harmonious individual and family lifestyles.

This decision was quite big for me as many thoughts swirled around my head. Some of those thoughts I would like to share with you.
1. Do I really need to go to college when later on in life, if the Lord provides, I will marry and raise children?
2. Can I train myself to learn all that they would teach me including deep biblical truthes as well as home management?
3. How do I know if the Lord is really calling me to do this?
4. Am I going down there with the wrong reasons in mind?
These are just a few of my thoughts..and for awhile there I was very confused. One thing that has given me peace is the fact that both my parents are on board with this. That in itself I believe is one way God is saying yes. (Parents are such blessings in these areas, at least when you allow yourself to mold to their wishes.)

I am so happy in the Lord's leading and thankful that He is faithful....

Bless the Lord Oh my soul and ALL that is within me, Bless His Holy Name!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Education is never wasted! Sounds like a good college and program.
God Bless you!