Saturday, December 8, 2007

Baby Zach's Journey

Hello everyone! are some pictures of our Zachy! As well as the update on life after birth for him.... enjoy the pictures!

The Marks family is proud to announce the birth of Zachary James Marks born December 4th at 4:14 PM. He weighted 7lbs 9oz. and was 21 in. long. He is such a cutie pie and is so very precious. We are great full for the Lord's everlasting mercies and the blessings He bestows on us.
For those of you who might be wondering why he has an oxygen tube hooked up to him, a day an a half after he was born, Nick and Jennell, his parents, were not able to get him to eat. Because of this, he became dehydrated and to lethargic to eat anyways. When they took him to the hospital, he was admitted immediately and so began the long wait to find out what might be bothering this precious bundle. Doctors were baffled at first as to why his blood pressure and breathing seemed to be off until they discovered that he had a whole in each lung which had caused air to escape and then just be held in the lining around his lungs. Because of this his lungs were unable to expand fully causing the process of eating to be difficult. They immediately hooked him up to oxygen and the doctors (as well as Jennell who has been at the hospital the whole time began monitoring him closely by way of ex-raying him every morning and watching oxygen levels. We praise the Lord that so far, one of the holes has completely healed and the second hole is slowly healing as well. He is now able to drink an ounce to an ounce and a half of milk at every feeding. We are still unsure of when he will come as one doctor says it will be another 4-7 days while another doctor says he sees no reason why he cant go home tomorrow night or the next mourning. Please be praying that the Lord will guide the doctors in this decision as we don't want little Zach home to early. On the other hand, both of his parents are exhausted and ready to be back home as a family. Thanks for all your prayers, they have/are greatly appreciated.


Alice said...

Thanks for putting up pictures, Laura! He's precious! I'll continue to be praying for him!

By the way, you look great for just having a baby! ;-)

Olivia Joy said...

I haven't been on the computer in a while so I didn't know about the baby. I will be praying!!! He is really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!