Thursday, January 17, 2008

Life as We Know It

Hey all.... I'm sorry that I haven't posted in for ever, but life, (as I know it right now) is really hectic with school. I'm trying to pass a math class that I didn't work hard enough when I was homeschooled, here I am, in college, taking pre-college math! ahh well...the joys of being a sluggard back in the day paying the price now....haha...joke on me.
Well...I thought I'd share some pics of my family and how things are going. My oldest brother, his wife, and thier two kids are doing divine! I absolutly love being an auntie!

Lets I haven't talked

My lovely mother and baby Zach! Hey Olivia, there's a brand new pic of my mom for ya! Now you know what she looks like (Now) not ten years ago! hehe....;)


ahhh yes....toddlers,fingers, and ah ha! a nose! What do they do? you can see, curiousity killed the cat!

Well, that looks like that about it least for now....maybe, just maybe, I'll post more...I'd love to put up some notes I took from a sermon I heard a couple weeks ago on was excelent!

Lots love in Christ


Alice said...

Thanks for posting those pictures, Laura! Your niece and nephew are adorable!

Olivia Joy said...

Ah, how posted :)

Love the pics. Glad I could finally see a pic of your mom, that isn't ten years old :) he he he :)
Study hard, I shall be thinking about you. :)